> 文章列表 > 我们现在是春节




Hi, David, we are currently on our Spring Festival holiday, and I will verify the information and email it to you when I return to work on February 16th. During this festive period, people in China take a break from their regular routines to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


We have just celebrated the Spring Festival, a beautiful and joyous holiday in China. It is a time when families come together, share meals, exchange gifts, and participate in various activities. One popular activity during the Lunar New Year is playing Chinese chess, which adds an extra element of fun and challenge to the festivities.


The Chinese Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. While the modern traditions and customs associated with the Spring Festival have evolved over the centuries, its origins can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, long before the Qing Dynasty. The earliest recorded lunar calendar, known as Xia Calendar, was established during the Xia Dynasty, indicating the ancient roots of the Spring Festival.


In 2022, people can still return home to celebrate the Lunar New Year with their families. It is a cherished tradition for Chinese people to prioritize family reunions during the Spring Festival, regardless of how far they are from home. The concept of \"going home for the New Year\" symbolizes the importance of togetherness and the joy of spending time with loved ones.


The occurrence of two Spring Festivals in the same year happened in 1640 due to the special occurrence of a leap month, known as \"闰正月\" (leap lunar month). This phenomenon refers to the addition of an extra month in the lunar calendar, which aligns with the solar calendar. It is fascinating to witness such rare occasions, which demonstrate the intricacies of lunar calendar systems.


As tomorrow marks the New Year\'s Eve, many people are busy preparing for the festivities. It\'s a time when families gather, cook delicious meals, and share joyful moments together. The atmosphere is filled with excitement and anticipation, as people eagerly welcome the arrival of a new year. Meanwhile, I am here writing this article, wishing everyone a happy and prosperous year ahead!


Some people might feel that celebrating the Spring Festival nowadays seems similar to having a weekend break due to changes in lifestyle and work patterns. However, for many, the Lunar New Year remains a significant and cherished holiday. It\'s a time to disconnect from the usual routines, relax, and create special memories with family and friends. Regardless of the evolving dynamics, the spirit and essence of the Spring Festival continue to bring joy and unity to people\'s lives.


The term \"春节\" (Spring Festival) came into use after the establishment of the People\'s Republic of China in 1949. Prior to that, it was commonly referred to as \"过年\" (guò nián), which translates to \"celebrating the New Year.\" Over time, as cultural practices and language evolved, the term \"春节\" gained prominence and became the widely accepted name for the holiday.


The current Spring Festival falls after the \"元旦\" (New Year\'s Day) of the Gregorian calendar. However, in the past, the Lunar New Year could occur before or after January 1st. The concept of \"二十四节气\" (the 24 solar terms) originated in ancient China and represents the changes in climate and agricultural activities throughout the year. While the Spring Festival is not explicitly included among the 24 solar terms, it is closely linked to the transition from winter to spring and holds great cultural significance.


There are multiple explanations for the term \"过年\" (guò nián) being used interchangeably with the Spring Festival. One theory suggests that the word \"年\" (nián) originally referred to an evil creature that people believed would harm them. To ward off this creature, people sought help from spiritual beings called \"年,\" eventually leading to the practice of \"过年\" (celebrating the New Year). Another theory connects it to the tradition of the \"年兽\" (the mythical Nian beast), which was believed to be scared away by firecrackers and loud noises during the festivities.